Payment Orchestration is more than just Transaction Routing

Payment Orchestration is more than just Transaction Routing

Payment Orchestration is more than just Transaction Routing May 17, 2023 As online payments become increasingly important to businesses worldwide, it is essential to have a reliable and efficient payment gateway that can handle multiple payment methods, currencies,...
Payment priorities for the forex industry

Payment priorities for the forex industry

Payment priorities for the forex industry August 23, 2022 Introduction According to the Triennial Central Bank Survey of FX and OTC derivatives markets, The Forex industry is the biggest financial market globally – even larger than the stock market, with a daily...
All you need to know about Tokenisation

All you need to know about Tokenisation

All you need to know about Tokenisation August 03, 2022 Tokenisation refers to replacing sensitive account and card information with an alternate code, i.e., a “token”, which shall be unique for a combination of card, token requestor, and device. What is a Token? To...
An introduction to 3DS Exemptions

An introduction to 3DS Exemptions

An introduction to 3DS Exemptions August 03, 2022 Introduction Ease of use and better security are two of the most essential characteristics for an online payment transaction. Keeping this in mind, SCA i.e, the Strong Customer Authentication, which came into force...
Trends in Global Payments for 2022

Trends in Global Payments for 2022

Trends in Global Payments for 2022 August 03, 2022 As we enter this new year still in the midst of a pandemic, it is vital for payment companies to foresee digital payment trends and plan ahead of time. The best way to predict customer patterns and preferences is to...