Smart routing for seamless payment operations.

Smart routing
for seamless payment operations. 

Is your transaction succes rate high enough? Maximize your approval rates, reduce costs, and have your customers enjoy seamless transaction flow with Celeris Smaret Routing & Cascading.

One Integration . more opportunities . One Integration . more opportunities .

Boosting revenue and efficiency effortlessly!

Here are some of the results our customers have achieved thanks to Smart Routing and Cascading. So can you!


Saving tens of thousands of euros on #DS and Acquiring costs.


Automated retries and failover yield a minimum 15% transaction savings.


Seamless and on-demand integration with acquirers, e-commerce websites, mobile apps, and backend systems


Increase conversion rates up to 15% with routing.


Fraud prevention and risk mitigation up to 20%.

Dedicated Support
and Training

Comprehensive support services, including technical assistance, training sessions, documentation, and knowledge bases

Transaction Routing

With Intelligent Transaction Routing, you can create rules to redirect payment to appropriate Acquirers based on various conditions such as the Payment mode used, the Region from which the Customer’s IP is, the region of Customer’s billing address, the Card type used, the BIN range of the card, Transaction amount, etc.

Cascading & auto-retries

Cascading and retries reroute failed transactions through alternative paths, increasing chances of approval and minimizing payment declines.

Instant Retry

Retry the transaction with the same payment method. This is effective because sometimes transactions fail due to temporary issues such as network timeouts or authentication failures that can be resolved by retrying.

LVE to 3DS routing

Apply for a 3D Secure authentication after issuer declines a LVE transaction. 3D Secure authentication adds an additional layer of security for online transactions, which can reduce the likelihood of fraud-related declines and increase approval rates for transactions.


Use an alternative acquirer. Switching to a different payment gateway can help if the initial gateway experiences technical issues or if the customer’s card is declined due to specific restrictions or rules of the first acquirer.

Pay type retry

Switch to a different payment method (e.g., PayPal, digital wallet): Offering customers alternative payment methods after a initial payment method failed can significantly improve approval rates.

Extra features for specific business needs

Intelligent processing implies sufficient flexibility to facilitate various business models and solve routine tasks.


Processing rules can change automatically when certain conditions are met, such as automatically disabling 3DS after 3 successful payments.


When dealing with large transactions, fractionise them and complete through multiple providers and methods.

P2P Routing

Handle P2P payments without a hitch. Transactions can be routed to the appropriate transit account automatically.

Recurring tokens routing

Recurring transactions will be routed to the right provider using the initially generated tokens.

Dynamic currency conversion

Allow customers to pay you in their local currency, having the amounts automatically converted to a currency selected by you.

3D Secure 1 & 2

Enable or disable 3DS1 or 3DS2 when needed, or apply it selectively for transactions filtered by relevant parameters.

what is 3DS2

3DS2 is the way to comply with the SCA regulations. This requires merchants to build additional authentication into their payment flow,
using two out of the following three authentication elements.


Something only the user knows .


Something only the user knows .


Something only the user knows .

How Flex 3DS Works

Flex 3DS is a payments authentication solution that is implemented on a gateway level. Transactions are checked, taken into account exemptions, while supporting both traditional 3DS1 and 3DS2 versions

Compliance does not have to come at the cost of a seamless payment experience!.

  • Cuts expenses by circumventing 3DS acquirer fees & regular transaction fees for declined transactions.

    Provides a frictionless checkout experience for customers.

  • Increases success rates while lowering the risk of fraud.

    Ensures PSD2 compliance with a smooth 3DS2 flow.

Smart payment routing

Our system not only increases conversion rates but also helps lower commission costs. We tailor our payment distribution to fit your business needs by considering factors such as region, currency, methods, etc. Our routing configurations take into account over 30 criteria to ensure optimal efficiency.

One Integration . more opportunities . One Integration . more opportunities .

We Prioritise your growth and your well-being

Intelligent route payments

Use multiple processors and payment methods to gain the highest acceptance rates at the lowest cost, no matter which market you’re operating in.

Split payments traffic

Split your payments volume across multiple processors and payment methods. Test the best performing channel under specific conditions to optimize your overall costs.

Adaptive 3DS

Maximize transaction success while minimizing customer friction, only presenting a challenge when necessary – no matter which underlying processor is used.


Recover potentially lost revenue by instantly reattempting a failed transaction through another processor to maximize revenue.

Real-time insights

Implement your ideal fraud prevention services and leverage them for pre- or post-authorization checks within the customer journey.

Pre-configured templates

Hit the ground running using ready made templates. From triggers and incidents to country, currency and transaction rules, we’ve got what you need to get started.

What our customers
and partners say:

Our collaboration with Celeris underscores our dedication to enriching businesses' online payment capabilities. Through this partnership, we aim to equip our merchants with the means to refine processes, encompass fraud management and contribute to their sustained growth.


Luca Bizzotto
CEO of Alto Global Processing

Celeris' gateway solutions are an excellent addition to our merchant services offerings. "We pride ourselves on providing exceptional payment solutions and services to our clients, and the Celeris platform as part of our offering will help us.


Nick Dobson
VP of Sales and Business Development at Truevo

We are delighted to partner with Celeris and incorporate our solution into the orchestration platform’s ecosystem. This collaboration is about empowering businesses to address the French and European markets efficiently by providing a seamless localised payment experience.


Antoine Grimaud
CEO of Payplug

Our fully network-certified and proven products secure transactions worldwide. We increase that footprint and ensure together with Celeris that merchants can generate more approved transactions complementing their modern and modular platform.


Benoit Ouinas
Senior Business Development Executive and Location Director France at Netcetera

Partnering with Celeris, whose state-of-the-art product and innovative DNA align with ours, ensures top-notch conversion-boosting features and insightful payment performance analytics for our merchants.


Darius Kulikauskas
Darius Kulikauskas CEO at Pervesk | Partner at Bankera

What our customers and partners say:

Explore More our of features

Payment Orchestration by definition have many features to create the perfect payments symphony. Check out a few of the features here:

Automated Reconcilation

Makes sure the merchant gets every penny settled

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In-depth reporting

Turns data into wisdom and actionable insight.

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Subscription Management

Tailor subscriptions to your needs for a perfect fit.

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Build your business with Celeris

Frequently Asked Questions

How does your gateway handle transaction routing?
Our gateway uses intelligent routing algorithms to direct transactions through multiple acquirers or banks, optimizing for factors such as cost, approval rates, and geographic considerations.
Can I customize the routing rules based on my business needs?
Yes, our gateway allows you to customize routing rules. You can set preferences based on factors like transaction volume, currency, specific acquirer performance, and fallback options.
What happens if a transaction is declined by the first acquirer?
If a transaction is declined by the primary acquirer, our gateway automatically routes it to a secondary acquirer or alternative payment method, maximizing the chances of approval.
How transparent is the routing process? Can I track and analyze transaction routing performance?
Our gateway provides detailed reporting and analytics on transaction routing. You can monitor each transaction’s path, success rates by acquirer, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your payment processing strategy.